September 17, 2023

23年来,太阳城娱乐(ACTA) Apprenticeship Program 支持加州的文化传统 430 签约优秀的传统艺术家和从业者.

Now entering its 23rd cycle, ACTA的学徒计划通过与模范导师艺术家签约,为熟练的学徒提供强化培训和指导,鼓励该州活的文化遗产的连续性. Contracts of $5,000 是由加州的艺术家导师制作的,以支付他们的费用、用品和旅费. 参与者与ACTA的工作人员密切合作,制定和记录学徒计划, 最终有机会与公众分享他们的工作成果.

The 2023 Apprenticeship Program cohort of 48 artists (24 pairs) 代表了加州广泛的文化多样性和代际学习, 全州共投资12万美元. 这些人既有70多岁的艺术导师,也有11岁的学徒, spanning from Ventura to Humboldt Counties. 这些学徒制延续了传统, 包括加州本土文化习俗,如Me-wuk和Ohlone篮子编织, 或者Hoopa传统中的弓和勺子制作. 其他人则庆祝在加州扎根的传统, 包括那些原本来自伊朗的, Puerto Rico, Peru, the Philippines, and communities including Hmong, Lao, Native Hawaiian, and Zapotec, and others.


Beverly Cantrell (L; photo by Miya Banuelos) and Taweah Garcia (R; photo courtesy of the artist).

Beverly Cantrell + Taweah Garcia
Redding, Shasta Co. + Dunlap, Fresno Co.

Beverly Cantrell (Pit River Nation)和Taweah Garcia (Pit River Nation)将收集摇篮板材料, prepare willows, and make designs unique to their tribe, ultimately completing a cradleboard.


Claudio Vega (L) and Lolis (R; photo by Jorge Luis Garcia).

Claudio Vega + Dolores “Lolis” García
El Cerrito + Richmond, Contra Costa Co.
Traditional Son Jarocho Music

克劳迪奥·维加将教萝莉丝唱歌并献上雅罗乔之歌, 因此,社会将看到她用一种历史上不允许女性使用的乐器演奏音乐.


Conrad Jaminola Benedicto (L; photo by Manuel Dragon) and Jinji (R; photo by Buggsy Malone).

Conrad Jaminola Benedicto + Jinji Sayson
San Francisco, San Francisco Co. + San Jose, Santa Clara Co.

Conrad Jaminola Benedicto, 两届ACTA学徒,已故NEA国家遗产研究员Danongan Kalanduyan, 作为金吉的导师回到学徒计划, 谁将学习所有合奏乐器的基本节奏和旋律模式, styles of kulintang music.


Denise Solis (L) and Leslie Quintanilla (R; photos courtesy of the artists).

Denise Solis + Leslie Quintanilla
Oakland, Alameda Co.
Afro-Puerto Rican Bomba

丹尼斯·索利斯将训练经验丰富的炸弹舞者莱斯利·昆塔尼拉成为一名子弹鼓手和全面的炸弹实践者, a tradition in which dancing, drumming, and singing are collectively rotated roles.


Estela Sosa Bautista (L) and Benita Martínez Sosa, with Estela (R; photos courtesy of the artists).

Estela Sosa Bautista + Benita Martínez Sosa
Moorpark, Ventura Co.

埃斯特拉·索萨·包蒂斯塔将带领她的女儿, Benita Martínez Sosa, 独立制作披肩(一种类似披肩的织物), create natural dyes, and use a large loom.


George Blake (L) and Takatamah Yeship Montgomery (R; photo courtesy of the artists).

George Blake + Takatamah Yeship Montgomery
Hoopa, Humboldt Co.
Bow and spoon making in the Hoopa tradition

NEA国家遗产研究员和2014年学徒计划导师乔治·布莱克(Hoopa, Yurok)将教他的孙子Takatamah Yeship Montgomery (Hoopa), 在Hoopa传统中制作有筋背的弓和雕刻麋鹿角.


Jennifer Bates (L; photo by Daveen Williams) and Jeanette Innerarity (R; photo courtesy of the artist).

Jennifer Bates + Jeanette Innerarity
Tuolumne, Tuolumne Co. + Elk Grove, Sacramento Co.
Traditional Me-wuk/Miwok Basket Weaving

Jennifer Bates (Northern Sierra Mewuk), 谁在2011年和2017年作为导师参加了学徒计划, 将指导Jeanette Innerarity (Ione Band of Miwok)识别和收集本地植物材料, preparing them for use, and creating a basket.


Jesus Cortez (L; photo courtesy of the artist) and La Doña (R; photo by Thalia Gochez).

Jesus Cortez + Cecilia Cassandra Peña-Govea (La Doña)
Daly City, San Mateo Co. + Oakland, Alameda Co.
Zapateado Jarocho

Jesus Cortez将在zapateado的编舞和Sones Jarochos的作曲形式方面指导La Doña, 最后是两场由现场音乐家伴奏的演讲.


Kawika Keikiali`i Alfiche (L; photo by Marc Marín Fotografía) and Anjal Pong, with Kawika (R; photo courtesy of the artists).

Kawika Keikiali`i Alfiche + Anjal Pong
South San Francisco, San Mateo Co. + San Francisco, San Francisco Co.

Kawika Keikiali`i Alfiche, a mentor in the 2008 Apprenticeship Program, 我将和Anjal Pong一起制作四种草裙舞: Puniu (coconut knee drum), `Uli`uli (featherless gourd rattle), `Ulili (triple gourd top), and Lapaiki (小皮鼓),以及研究他们的伴奏风格 oli (chant) and kaona (layered symbolisms).


Linda Yamane (L) and Violet Smith (R; photos by Linda Yamane).

Linda Yamane + Violet Smith
Seaside, Monterey Co.
Ohlone Coiled Basketry

2000, 2010, 2014年学徒计划导师Linda Yamane (Rumsen Ohlone)将与Violet Smith (Rumsen/Ramaytush Ohlone)分享她对Ohlone细卷篮的知识。, including how to gather, prepare, and weave materials, 同时将拉姆森语和歌曲融入到他们的活动中.


Maggie Peters (L; photo by CKC Image) and Misty Knight, with her daughters (R; photo by Shaylynne Masten).

Maggie Peters + Misty Knight
Willow Creek + Hoopa, Humboldt Co.
Yurok, Hupa和Karuk传统的传统婴儿篮子编织

Maggie Peters (Yurok, Karuk), 在2014年和2018年的学徒计划中担任导师, will teach Misty Knight (Hupa, Yurok)制作了一个传统的Yurok婴儿篮子, from gathering, cleaning, 把材料分门别类,编织在一起.


Mamady “Wadaba” Kourouma (L; photo courtesy of the artist) and Donte McDaniel (R; photo by Clovis Unified School District).

Mamady “Wadaba” Kourouma + Donte McDaniel
Kaweah, Tulare Co. + Fresno, Fresno Co.
West African Traditional Djembe Drumming

Mamady “Wadaba” Kourouma and Donte McDaniel, 2021年学徒计划期间的一对艺术家, 唐特将于2023年回国,学习家庭节奏和几内亚风格的击鼓.


Marjan Vahdat (L; photo by Tahmineh Monzavi) and Heranoosh Talibzadeh (R; photo by Renehstudio).

Marjan Vahdat + Heranoosh Talebzadeh
Rocklin, Placer Co. + Irvine, Orange Co.
Persian traditional Radif singing

Marjan Vahdat将指导Heranoosh Talebzadeh发展个人, 通过指导她学习Radif(一种组织曲目的系统),以独特的方式呈现传统和地区波斯音乐。, Tahrir (a freeform vocal technique), and Persian poetry.


Marsha Carter (L; photo by Ted Carter) and Zondra Martin, with Marsha (R; photo by Jeleana Rose).

Marsha Carter + Zondra Martin
Stockton, San Joaquin Co. + Oakland, Alameda Co.
African American Traditional Quilting

玛莎·卡特将指导宗德拉·马丁研究从加纳和从南非班图人带到美国的非洲散居妇女, 同时也教她传统的非洲条/线和拼接绗缝技术.


Nadhi Thekkek (L; photo by Purna Venugopalan) and Shruti Abhishek (R; photo by Lara Kaur).

Nadhi Thekkek + Shruti Abhishek
Alamo, Contra Costa Co. + Livermore, Alameda Co.
South Asian Dance – Bharatanatyam

Nadhi Thekkek将指导Shruti Abhishek研究女神Bhadrakali的文献,并将其改编成Bharatanatyam的舞蹈动作. 然后,施卢蒂将开发一个独特的婆罗那提姆作品,代表传说.


Nitya Narasimhan (L; photo by Rishi Dancer Photographer) and Charanya Kannan (R; photo courtesy of the artist).

Nitya Narasimhan + Charanya Kannan
Sunnyvale + San Jose, Santa Clara Co.
South Asian Dance – Bharatanatyam

Nitya Narasimhan将带领Charanya Kannan完成一个包括身体意识在内的整体项目, Nritta (technique), emoting, Talam (rhythm), choreography nuances, Bharatanatyam dance theory, 以及对历史文本的分析以便将它们的意义注入到编舞中.


Pezhham Akhavass (L) and Tiyam Fereydouni, with Pezhham (R; photos courtesy of the artist).

Pezhham Akhavass + Tiyam Fereydouni
Albany + Berkeley, Alameda Co.
Tombak (Persian Goblet Drum)

Pezhham Akhavass将指导Tiyam Fereydouni中级和高级tombak技术, including singing and playing in Farsi, reciting Tasnif (a form of Persian music), practicing pieces from the Iranian Radif, 既可以独奏,也可以与其他音乐家合作.


Yussef Padilla Nuñez (L) and Pierr Padilla Vasquez (R; photo courtesy of the artists).

Pierr Padilla Vasquez + Yussef Padilla Nuñez
Oakland, Alameda Co.
Afro-Peruvian Cajón | Cajón Afroperuano

2019年回归的学徒计划导师皮埃尔·帕迪拉·瓦斯奎兹将训练他的儿子, Yussef Padilla Nuñez, 非裔秘鲁人演奏和表演的技巧Cajón, 包括最流行的非裔秘鲁音乐流派(Festejo), Alcatraz, Landó, Son de los Diablos, Pregón, and Zamacueca).


Roman “Ito” Carrillo (L; photo by Marina Romani) and Pablo Paredes Burgos (R; photo by Carolina Cisneros Cruz).

Roman “Ito” Carrillo + Pablo Paredes Burgos
San Lorenzo + Albany, Alameda Co.
Puerto Rican Bomba

Roman“Ito”Carrillo将帮助Pablo Paredes Burgos掌握三种乐器(沙球), cuas, and barriles), four Bomba rhythms (Sicá, Yubá, Cuembé, and Holnadé), dances for each rhythm, 以及已经确立的节奏短语和舞蹈表达的大炮. 这将是Carrillo在学徒计划中的第三个周期, 在2006年和2014年作为导师参加之后.


Seibi Lee (L; photo by Margo Moritz) and Sonali Toppur, with Seibi (R; photo courtesy of the artists).

Seibi Lee + Sonali Toppur
Kensington, Contra Costa Co. + Fremont, Alameda Co.

2016年导师Seibi Lee回到学徒计划,教Sonali Toppur如何发展一个太阳城网上娱乐Ganesh(印度象神)的故事。, translate it into dance, and present it as a solo performance.


Sid Vixay (L) and Conner Phelan (R; photo by Sid Vixay).

Sid Vixay + Connor Phelan
Clovis + Fresno, Fresno Co.
Lanaad, Lao Traditional Musical Instrument

Sid Vixay将指导Connor Phelan学习弹奏lanaad的不同方法和掌握老挝古典歌曲, including Lao Kasae, Champa Meing Lao, Dok Bouathong, Lao Sieng Tien, and Sai Lom Yen.


Patrici Flores (L) and Titania Buchholdt (R; photo courtesy of the artists).

Titania Buchholdt + Patrici Flores
Richmond, Contra Costa Co. + Northern California
Kulintang Music of the Philippines

Titania Buchholdt, 他在1999-2000年间作为已故艺术大师达农安·卡兰杜延的学徒参加了学徒计划, and also as a mentor in 2017, 会指导帕特里西·弗洛雷斯学习库林堂合奏音乐以及产生它的文化吗, 专注于马昆达纳翁和马拉瑙文化的作品.


Tony Lor (L) and Ye Thao, with Tony (R; photos by Serenity Chang).

Tony Lor + Ye Thao
Merced, Merced Co.

托尼·洛将教叶涛在苗族葬礼上唱的歌, 比如四到十个小时的《太阳城娱乐》,以及相关的舞蹈动作和呼吸技巧.


Yuval Ron (L; photo courtesy of the artist) and Dor Haberer (R; photo by Julie Surpreet Adi).

Yuval Ron + Dor Haberer
Studio City, L.A. Co. + Smartsville, Nevada Co.
Jewish Oud music

尤瓦尔·罗恩将用摩洛哥语指导多尔·哈贝雷尔, Israeli/Palestinian, and Ladino songs, along with piyutim (Jewish prayer chants), rhythm and timing, Makaams (scales), and weaving stories into songs.


The Apprenticeship Program is a program of the Alliance for California Traditional Arts (ACTA), generously supported by ArtPlace San Joaquin Valley, the Walter & Elise Haas Fund, the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, the National Endowment for the Arts, and the Maxwell/Hanrahan Foundation. Additional support provided by the California Arts Council和洛杉矶县监事会通过 洛杉矶县艺术和文化部.

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